2010年8月23日 星期一

Let's learn from our mistakes! (Final exam of Summer Course 2010/08/20)

這次的翻譯題扣分方式為一個字扣0.5分, 也就是說,任何小錯都可能讓你/妳努力的結果付諸流水,因此,請大家養成習慣、注意小細節,提醒自己在每次翻譯時要更小心!
Several common mistakes were spotted in the translation practices of the final exam.  See if you have similar misunderstandings and carelessness.  Try to learn something in these mistakes.

  • He is in a bad mood because he was weighed down by his friend's criticism.  (was)
  • When she saw the model on the cover of the magazine, the idea of going on a diet goes through her mind. (went)
  • contrast v.s. contract
  • through v.s. thought
  • reservation v.s. preservation
  • criticism
  • magazine
  • model
Word choice
  • see v.s. look
  • 訂位:make a reservation, reserve a table/seat  (book a seat多用於訂機位)
  • 點菜:order meal/dish (order a seat表示訂購一張座椅)
that用法有許多,可以當關係代名詞,也可以當連接詞、連接作為補語的名詞子句與主要子句(例:I don't know the fact that Susan is in love with Eric.),請見下面三個句子。
  • The idea of going on a diet went through her mind.  (O)
  • The idea that wanted to go on a diet went through her mind.  (X)
  • The idea that she wanted to go on a diet went through her mind.  (O)
第一個例句中,the idea為主詞,而of going on a diet為名詞片語來修飾(強調說明)主詞,因此此句文法正確。第二個例句中that後面接了不完整的子句,可見that在此為關係代名詞,且在此子句中有主詞的地位,這也就是說,that指的是前面的先行詞the idea,那麼,此時的句意就變成這個想法它自己想開始節食,因此,就出現了錯誤!最後,在第三個例句中,that為引導名詞子句的補語功能,因此這個句子又是對的了喔!


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