2010年9月14日 星期二

Lady Gaga with Raw Meat Bikini!

I honestly think it gross rather than cool.  Lady Gaga has given her fashion statement and explained such outrageous choise as follows:

"No matter how beautifully it is presented, flesh from a tortured animal is flesh from a tortured animal. Meat represents bloody violence and suffering, so if that's the look they were going for, they achieved it."

As she attended Video Music Awards a few days ago, she made her appearance with such "rare" outfit.  Well, precisely, she had a meat "gown" instead of a bikini.  She even had her shoes and handbag in meat as well!  Truly, this is so scary to me.

For further news report, please watch the short clip from Youtube.

2 則留言:

  1. ignore her...., if you can.
    people become famous for no reason or they are just insane.


  2. Well, in a way I'm quite curious about her and her dressing style. I guess every now and then there should be some people trying such crazy things for the world.


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