2010年9月7日 星期二

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!


In response to our unit 4, this video clip is going to show you another giant, Nick Vujicic.  He has no arms, and no legs, yet he is optimistic and he enjoys every minute in his life!

2 則留言:

  1. take a good look,
    he's quite handsome. ha!

    although he dont have some part of his body,
    he can still fishing,
    he can drive a boat(is it call boat or something....?),
    he can play golf,
    and when he jumpinto the water,
    he didnt ware a swimminghat(?).

    he let me think that im not living,
    that im not enjoy my life.
    i think i have to change my view of "living."

    and...and why foreiner are so handsome andbeautiful?

    by the way, im jennie.

  2. First of all, I guess part of the reason why he looks handsome may result from his cheerful attitude toward life. It does invite people to smile back. Second, I'm glad you reconsider your own view of "living." However, honestly speaking, I believe that you're quite active in your way of life. So, keep up the high spirits and continue embracing life!


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