Main idea:
Ten tips are introduced so as to get tip-top This essay is written in a very humorous and vivid tone. You may take time savoring it.
Grammatical points to pay special attention to:
標題中的tip top和top tip到底是什麼呢,是這樣的:tip有尖端的意思,因此指尖我們稱為finger tip,同時,他也有小技巧的意思(有人可能會注意到我們課本每一課課文都有reading tips的小框框喔!)
而top就是最頂端、最高的意思。所以top ten tips叫做十大技巧,tip-top叫做頂尖的。
p. 28
line 1 alone
意思是「光是」,The word alone elicits growns from kids of all ages.整句翻譯為:光這個字就可以引起一片哀嚎了。line 11 raise
raise這個字目前已經學到很多種用法了喔!raise our hands, raise our chidren/family, raise my voice, raise a flag, 現在還學到可以raise our grades,如果你希望下次段考成績變好,你就可以說I want to raise my grades.或是I want to improve my grades.喔!line 13 anonymity
anonymity的形容詞形式為anonymousline 3 clothes-strewn bed
意思為撲滿衣服的床,一樣也是N-p.p.的複合形容詞喔,strewn的原型動詞為strew表示散佈的意思,有另一個字叫做scatter算是他的同義字喔!line 10 overrate
rate當名詞有「率」的意思,所以我們有unemployment rate(失業率), birth rate(出生率), divorce rate(離婚率), passing rate(通過率)等等。rate當動詞有「評價」的意思,所以現在看到overrate就是給予過多的評價,表示「高估」。
line 15 due
due當形容詞有許多不同的意思,但主要都有「到期、到來」的意思,例如1. The team are due to fly to Italy next month. 這支隊伍應該下週飛到義大利
2. She is pregnant and the baby is due in April. 她懷孕了,然後寶寶四月就會出生了。
3. The rent is due on 31 January. 租金在1/31前繳交
p. 29
line 12 longer-term project
long-term長期的,short-term短期的 (第七課課本term術語的意思喔,我們課堂上有補充medical terms醫學術語business terms商業術語)line 7 This makes a world of difference.
這個表示關係重大,產生重大影響,非常好用!快學起來!或是我們可以說This matters.p.30
line 1 It's worth repeating.
有沒有看到,worth + V-ing的用法!嚇死人!他又出來了!
line 7 I've earned it,
earn這個字最簡單的意思就是賺錢,所以我們學過He earned a living by selling flowers. 或是He earns a lot of money by online auction.
但除此之外,earn也有贏得的意思,He is an honorable man; he earns everybody's respect.或是He earned that title,他實至名歸。在這裡,earn it表示deserve it.值得的意思。我們曾經聽過Randy Pausch這個得了癌症搭表了非常動人演講(The Last Lecture)的教授,在他的演講上,當全場為他起立鼓掌歡呼時,他請大家坐下,謝謝大家的熱情,就有聽眾馬上大喊:You've earned it!
Vocabulary check:
(A) thesaurus (B) glowing (C) procrastinate (D) distractions
(E) elicited (F) anonymity (G) nasty (H) overrated
1. He gave the police information about the crime because tey guaranteed his _______.
2. Don't ______ as putting off things until some other day just can't solve problems.
3. This movie is highly _______. It's not that good as everybody suggests.
4. Your teacher speaks of you in _______ terms. I'm sure she is very proud of you.
5. Many students choose to live at school because they think there are too many _______ at home, such as the Internet, or the TV programs.
6. When her knocks ______ no response, she opened the door and peeped in.
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